Storytelling Made Me $1,107 From 1 Article. Here’s How to Master It.

The only thing that matters and makes money is…

3 min readFeb 19, 2024
Image Credit: Author

I made $1,107 from just 1 article using storytelling.

Gurus be like: Learn copywriting. Learn sales. Learn how to write and you’ll never be broke again.

But, Storytelling is what makes or breaks your bank.

Storytelling isn’t just for children’s storybooks. It’s a game-changer.

Here’s how I use storytelling to make $1,107 from one article that took me less than 1 hour to write.

Read till the end to find out how you can do it too.

If you’re my old follower, then you know that I write on multiple medium accounts under different pen names…

And on Oct 09th, 2023. I wrote this article on one of my medium accounts and here’s the result below.

My $1,107.05 Article Stats.

I love money. So I wrote this article again but this time, I only wrote it like a simple piece of advice without using any storytelling.

And that 2nd article crashed brutally.

