I Made $1,782 Scamming Scammers.

I Will Be Millionaire Soon By Scamming Scammers…

4 min readSep 24, 2023

So, I’ve taken up this wild challenge: making my first $1 million in the next 3 months (before 2024).

After days and days of daydreaming, I stumbled upon the easiest way to get rich…

Get ready for the drumroll: I’m going to scam innocent folks on the internet for money…

Okay, just kidding…

But honestly, after witnessing these scams involving millions and millions of dollars, there’s one undeniable truth…

Scammers are swimming in wealth…

But don’t sweat it because your buddy TheAlex has Gigachad Game Plan to rake in some money…

I’m going to out-scam these scammers and make money off them…

Sounds like a easy, right? Well, spoiler alert: it’s not…

Stick around till the end, and you’ll find how I outwit those sneaky scammers and have them paying me instead.

Nowadays, scammers seem to pop up everywhere…

But the burning question is, where in the world are my scammers?

Simple! YouTube, Tiktok, Reels…

Yep, just watch any finance video, like day trading, and venture into their comment section.

There, like a cunning hunter, you’ll spot these comments…

Behold, these are my unsuspecting prey… hehehe

They simply share you, their WhatsApp number and tell you that you can easily get 1000x return on your investment in matter of days…

Me : I have $1000

Scammer : You will get 1000x return in few days…

Me : WTF! I’m Going to Be Millionaire….

My game plan is as straightforward as a cheese sandwich…

All I do is WhatsApp as many scammers as I can and tell them I’ve got $1k or $10k to invest, and I’m ready to fork it over…

Once they agree (and trust me, they usually do), I will ask them for their PayPal or Cash App info…

Once they send me their PayPal email or Cash App tag.

Then I will Launch My Plan…

I will send them the piece of cake — a fake image!

I’ll show them I’m trying to send $10k their way, but there’s a tiny problem.

To get that big $10k amount, they need to send $50 to “verify” things, so paypal allow me to send them $10k…

And if those scammers will be sending me $50 or more and I’m done…

My goal is that sweet $1k, which means all I need are 20 scammers to pay me 50 bucks.

See, my money math is great, isn’t it?

The hunt is on!

I sent messages to over 125 WhatsApp numbers I found in the comments section of investing YouTube videos.

Now, my first message goes a little something like this…

And now, it’s time to sit back and wait for the replies to roll in.

It’s Hard…

Up until now, I’ve had conversations with over 20 scammers, and the moment when I drop the bomb about needing them to pay $50 so I can send them $10k, they vanish into thin air.

But you know what? I’m on a mission, and I won’t rest until I’ve raked in that sweet $1k.

A big drum roll, please, because…

In just over 5 days, I’ve raked in a whopping $1,782 by outsmarting those scammers.

So, on the 2nd day, I was feeling pretty worn out and ready to give up.

But something in me said, “Give it one more shot.”

And when I opened WhatsApp, I was surprised — over 50 scammers had replied to my message.

I decided to stick to the plan, and after a solid 2 hours of chatting, the magic happened. Seven of them took the bait and sent me more than $50.

Now, after pocketing that sweet cash, here’s how I responded to them…

I have been through quite the rollercoaster ride in my scammer-busting journey.

Facing rejection and a few hiccups along the way, I’ve managed to turn the tables on over 100+ scammers and pocketed a handsome $1,782 in just 5 days.

That’s quite the adventure!

That’s a wrap for today…

If you’re up for the wild ride to make your first million, feel free to join me in My First Million Challenge..

MY First $1 Million Series

4 stories

And, of course, don’t forget to follow TheAlex so you don’t miss a single episode of my First Million Challenge.

Thanks a million for reading…

